About Us
John's story.
On July 21, 2008, June, my wife of 32 years was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.
On October 30, 2010, she lost her battle.
We were both members of LYS Unit - 2nd C.A.V. of the Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Association. Shortly after her death, 'Trapper' Paul Cane, our National President and co-founder called to offer his condolences. He also asked if I would like to have a National Ride in her memory. I jumped at the honour of such a ride, but also requested it be a ride in memory of all our friends and loved ones who have lost their battle. Yes, this ride is a fund raiser to help offset the financial hardships that accompany a cancer diagnosis, but it is also a ride to honour those still battling and to let all know that until a cure is found and accessible to all there will be -
No Retreat No Surrender.
The first ride, June 11th, 2011 raised $4000.00 which was distributed to Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Center's 'Patient and Family Support Fund'. The second annual ride, June 10th, 2012 saw $5171.96 go to the same fund. All money raised goes to the patients and families to help alleviate part of the burden they carry. On the first or second Sunday in June whoever you are - wherever you are - whatever you ride - tie a purple ribbon on your arm or bike and ride. Keep the " light of hope " burning.
'Trapper' Paul Cane, National C.A.V. President, speaking at the 2012
"No Retreat No Surrender" Ride on Sunday June 10th, 2012.
2012 No Retreat No Surrender Ride
Enough said!!!